Blog post 5-Content Marketing of Brookside

Blog post 5
Author: Sanjamdeep Singh Kang
Reese Crispy Crunchy
Reese Crispy Crunchy
Brookside Dark Chocolate
Brookside Dark Chocolate

For making the brand successful Marketing campaign is very essential

Today social media is the biggest platform for the brands for promoting their products. Brookside which must focus on content marketing as they are very behind in content marketing as compare to Reese. We can see Brookside does not get enough followers and likes on different platforms on social media which is must for every brand. Brookside needs to get more updated and focuses on using more social sites to get promoted among people. Brookside should post more pictures, blogs and video on social sites. They need to focus more on YouTube as they have just posted a single video since they have created the channel, which is one of the best source of advertising the products. They should create innovate videos to attract more and more audience which will automatically increase their viewers and subscribers on YouTube.

For a successful Brand advertising is the main part of it. Brookside chocolate brand needs to create a different designed bars and creative packaging with an innovative advertisement videos to get more popularity on Social media. The more they post the more they will get views.

As we see that Brookside always post after a huge gap. The post needed to be posted regularly and should every new chocolate what they produce. This makes the chocolate and the page both promoted with a simple way. Moreover, they should make long videos for each chocolate.

The brand should offer different games, quizzes and lottery offers to its customers to attract more audience. As we see Reese has created it own different site for games and event tickets, from this Brookside should also need to create a different site for games, lottery prizes or quizzes. By this customer gets attracted to the brand. They need to make their pictures and videos more attractive with innovative designs and they should post what they produce the latest.


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