Snickers and Twix on youtube

                                                                 Blog post 3
                                                            Yadwinder maan

commercial ad snickers
Snickers commercial you tube
Linkes twix,Reches twix
Twix youtube

·        Snickers videos on YouTube includes all type of content like how snickers is made where it is manufactured what are its health benefits. Moreover, most of the videos are about the promotion and ingredients used to make snickers chocolate bar.
·       Looking at the Twix YouTube videos most of them are about Twix commercial however some are about Twix dark chocolate and Twix two bites. Flavors used to make chocolate are also displayed in some videos.
·         Snickers post very less videos on YouTube usually there is half of year gap between videos as their last video is posted 6 months ago and on the other hand Twix post videos after every two or three months.
·         Snickers does not use 50/50 rule as it doesn’t make much advertisement through its videos as we look at their you tube account we see that they post videos after long time but on the other hand most of Twix videos are commercial as Twix half of the target is achieved through them as they post new video every month so we can say that Twix follow the 50/50 rule.

Snickers most successful recent video is Snickers Crisper Movers and this video has 1.5 million views 53 likes and 13 comments.
  •  The reason why this video is successful is because this video shows that hunger keep         inventing problems so we developed snickers crisper to deal with any type of confusing problem hunger can cause.

 Twix most successful recent video is “Break Room” Commercial and this video has 1.8 million views 52 likes and 9 comments.
  •      The reason for the success of this video is that it shows to Erase all doubts and pick both sides like in video it is shown that Even workers have doubts about which side is better, the Right Twix or the Left Twix. Erase all doubts, try both, and pick a side


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